03.D.2b. Online Assessment Features (Whole Assessment)
When offering an online assessment in eDoctrina, it is important to be confident that the assessment being offered will be presented to students as intended. This help guide will provide some insight on the different online assessment settings that are available for use.
To learn more about how to assign an assessment to a group of students online, click here to see our "Assigning Online Assessments" help guide.
There are many tools that can be applied to each question and numerous assessment settings that apply to the entire assessment.
Online Settings: Layout/View
Default View: When an assessment is created in eDoctrina, the Default View will automatically be set to "NYS CBT Locked". This view will mirror what the students will see when they take the NYS CBTs. Questions will be paged, and any passages will always appear on the left side of the screen.
There are multiple other views that can also be set within an assessment. Similar to the NYS CBT view, eDoctrina also offers the "PARCC LOCKED" view, which will mirror what students would see on the PARCC exam.
The Scroll and Page view allows students to decide if they'd rather their questions scroll on the page, or appear one question at a time. Users also have the option to lock students to one view using the "Locked" variation of each view.
PDF Display Position:
When setting up the online assessment, within specific default views, users now also have the option to decide which side of the split screen the PDF displays on in the student view (the right or the left). If the default view is set to view questions involving a passage, the PDF will appear on the side the passage would normally appear.
Scramble Questions: The questions included in the online assessment will be presented in a randomized order if Scramble Questions is selected.
WARNING: If an online PDF has been uploaded, DO NOT USE this feature.
Scramble Answer Choices: The answer choices for each question in the online assessment will be presented in a randomized order if Scramble Answer Choices is selected.
WARNING #1: If an online PDF has been uploaded, DO NOT USE this feature.
WARNING #2: If audio has been recorded that lists answer choices, DO NOT USE this feature.
Online Assessment PDF: Uploading a PDF to an online assessment can be useful when offering an Answer Key ONLY assessment. eDoctrina will only allow one file to be uploaded here and it must be in portable document format (PDF).
After a file has been uploaded, the look & feel of the online assessment view will be modified to include the uploaded PDF and will look somewhat similar to the image below.
Show assessment rubric to student: Enabling this option allows students to view the rubric criteria set up for specific questions within the assessment.
button will allow the user to designate which questions to exclude from this feature.
The image below shows what students will see during an online assessment:
Online Settings: General Tools
Enable Hint: This option will allow the teacher to add a hint that students will see in online assessment view. The hint must be added to the question in the Assessment Editor.
The image below shows what the student will see during an online assessment:
Enable Answer Masking: This option will mask the answer choices for all multiple choice questions until the student actively clicks to reveal the choice.
Allow Notes: This option will give students a place within each question to keep notes.
Enable Raise Hand: Allows the student to use the "Raise Hand" feature, which displays a flashing hand icon next to their name on the Answer Entry/Verification page when utilized.
X-Out Option: If this option is selected, students will have the option to eliminate answer choices via a small red X next to each answer choice for all multiple choice questions.
Enable Reading Ruler: This option allows the user to toggle the "Reading Ruler" tool for the student taking this assessment online.
Enable Magnifier: This option allows the user to toggle the "Magnifier" tool for the student taking this assessment online.
Enable Highlighting: This option allows the user to toggle the ability to highlight text in the online assessment.
Enable Passage Annotation: This option allows the user to make notes, highlight, underline a text in the online assessment
Online Settings: Controls
The Online Time Limit should be entered in minutes (m). If a limit is entered, the students taking the assessment will have m minutes to complete the assessment. The timer will start when the student begins the online assessment. The timer will run continuously until the entered time has elapsed. The default is a [blank] field and will allow students unlimited time to complete the assessment.
NOTE: If a student exits a timed test, the time will continue to run until expired. If the time expires, this test will not be available to the student.
A Password can be entered for each assessment created in eDoctrina. If entered, all students will be required to enter this password to gain access to the assessment. The password is not restricted by special characters, but is case sensitive. It can be changed as needed, but the most recent or current password will be the ONLY password that works for students. To remove the password, simply delete the characters from this field and "Save" or "Save & Close" the assessment.
Additional Controls
Disable Paste will disable a student's ability to paste any text into the assessment.
Disable copying of text to clipboard will disable a student's ability to copy text within this assessment.
Change Background/Foreground Color will allow the user to change the font color and background color within the assessment. Users can customize the default colors that students will see upon opening the assessment by selecting "Customize." Here is an example of how changing the background/foreground will impact the appearance of the assessment
Disable download links for Camera & Upload to Question responses will prevent the student from downloading links to use within Camera & Upload to Question responses.
Lock Student to test can be enabled hand-in-hand with either the Google Chrome Extension, "eDoctrina Locker", or the Safe Exam Browser.
eDoctrina Locker is an extension districts can download and push to student devices that will not allow students to open new tabs in Chrome, or maneuver to other websites they may have already had open.
NOTE: this extension only works with Chrome and does not prevent students from opening additional tabs in other browsers.
Safe Exam Browser is a browser that can be downloaded onto student devices and when in use, students will be locked into the browser while testing. They will be unable to maneuver out of the browser until the exam is finished, and attempting to do so will lock them out of the test. Learn more about this browser by clicking Here
Allow Reopen will allow students to return to an incomplete test within the assigned testing window by selecting "Save and Finish Later" within their assessment. If this option is left unchecked, a student will only be able to access the assessment once.
NOTE: this option will be hidden if "Lock Student to test" is selected. If an override to this is desired it can be done in the student assignment window.
Enforce Deadline at End Date/Time will force the student out of the test when the End Date and End Time are reached.
Selecting Results Visible Online is extremely valuable because it can be used for displaying results for any completed assessment in eDoctrina. After selecting the checkbox, it is up to the creator to decide what they would like to display to the students. It is possible to display the Percentage score, the Points score, and/or the Grade (if a Grade Conversion Table has been attached). This can be done automatically once the students have selected "Submit Test", or results can be pushed out manually by teachers on the Answer Verification Screen by selecting the "Allow manually post results online" option (this is a new option - to learn more, please see our latest video by clicking Here.
NOTE: If a student answer sheet exists for an assessment and the option for results visible online is checked, the student will be able to view their answer sheet:
Allow manually post results online Will only show if the "Results visible online" check box is selected. Provides Users with the opportunity to choose when online assessments will be posted online, for students to access. If this option is selected an additional column will be added to the Answer Entry Screen labeled "Vis" once this check box is selected the assessment results will be posted for the student.
Use Customized Individual Student Report Options: Users also have the ability to give students access to the Individual Student Report electronically on their Progress screen. When "Results Visible Online" is selected, the report can be customized by selecting the "Customize" button. When the button is selected, Users can select the format, as well as any additional settings for the report (just like when running from the Teacher Dashboard):
Email teachers when done is an option that can be selected so that teachers can get an email notification once an online assessment is completed.
Hide Camera in WYSIWYG Editor This option will remove the ability for students to access the camera in the text editor when responding to questions in the online testing window.
Show to student only within assigned dates This option will make an assessment visible to students, in the Student Portal, once the assessment window is open.
Online Settings: Student Tools
Math Tools
The following options will determine which online tools will be offered and how they will be used. These tools can be offered for the whole assessment or for specific questions. If "Default" is selected, eDoctrina will default to the selections made for the specific questions. If "Show" is selected, the tool will be available for every question on the assessment. If "Hide" is selected, the tool will be unavailable for every question, regardless of the specific question settings.
NOTE: The calculator is a bit different than the others in that the user must decide whether to use the question settings (matches calculator selected for each individual question), Basic Computational or a Scientific model calculator should be available to the students.
This option will disable the ability for students to use the "Handwritten Mode" in their WYSIWYG editor when using the standard equation editor.
Language Tools
Giving students access to the Dictionary allows users to link an Elementary or Intermediate dictionary to the online assessment for students to have access to.
Allow Audio: If an audio file is attached to a question, this box must be checked in order for the class to have access to the linked audio.
TTS Voice: allows the user to choose the default Text-to-Speech voice for the assessment.
Enabling spell check: If there are many questions within an online assessment that require students to type their responses, the option to include a spell check exists to help students. If enabled, there will be an extra button available in the eDoctrina text editor.
Enabling Google Translate gives students the option to select a language from a drop-down menu and have the page translated to that language.
Allow text-to-speech will allow the students to have audio for every question and passage within the assessment without having to link audio to each individual question. This option is for users who want students to have audio for the entire assessment as opposed to just a few select questions. To learn more about this feature, please click Here