05.C. Student Online Assessments
To view the updated help doc on managing student accounts click here
Helping Students Navigate PROGReSS
Students will be logging into eDoctrina the same way that teachers log in, but will be navigated to eDoctrina's Student Portal (PROGReSS) when they enter their login credentials properly.
The Assignments section has three relevent sub-sections: To Do, Completed, and Expired.
NOTE: If your students don't see "Expired" as an option please reach out to our Help Desk, as this is a setting that can be enabled or disabled per district.
The items that are displayed in these lists are dependent on the
Class filter (which allows students to view "All my classes" or select a specific one) and the
Year filter (which is defaulted to the current year).

Each section of the Student Portal provides the student the ability to communicate with their teacher using the eDoctrina email option. All users can access their eDoctrina mail by clicking the mail icon
In the To Do section of the Student Portal, students will see a list of all active assessments assigned to them. The Title will be displayed along with the Assessment ID. For ongoing assessments, there will be a Progress bar showing the percentage of the assessment that has been completed so far. The Date will display the Window(s) that has been entered by the teacher in the Assessment Editor.
The last column will display different options depending on the online assessment settings. If a student has never accessed the assessment, they will always have the ability to
the assessment. If "Allow Reopen" is selected in the online assessment settings for this assessment, students will have the opportunity to
the assessment.
In the Assignments "Completed" section, the student will be able to view the score, grade, and/or percentage along with the selected version of the Individual Student Report by selecting the
NOTE: The results will ONLY be displayed if an assessment has been setup to make "Results Visible Online". This option can also be used to share assessment results for assessments taken via paper/pencil.
Taking an Online Assessment
eDoctrina offers many options to educators for creating online assessments. With this said, students may encounter different features depending on the specific assessment settings that have been selected for each assessment. Some features can be assigned per question while others can be assigned to the entire test.
If an assessment has been set up to "Lock students to test", each time they access the assessment they will encounter a pop-up stating "This assessment is locked"
NOTE: To have this feature be more effective, a Google Chrome extension is available.
If the option to use the Safe Exam Browser was selected in the assessment,
Click Here to see the Help Guide for setup/usage instructions.
If an assessment has been set up to have an "Online Time Limit", the student will receive a pop-up notification informing them that "This is a timed test" and stating how much of the allotted time is remaining.
NOTE: This timer will begin as soon as the student clicks "Go" and will continue even if the student exits the assessment. Once the time has elapsed, the student will not be able to gain access unless the assessment is reassigned by the teacher.
If an assessment has been set up to have a "Password", the student will receive a pop-up window prompting them to "Please enter test password".
NOTE: This password is controlled and can be changed within the Assessment Editor. The most recent entered password will be the ONLY password that will allow access.
Below is a basic view student of what students will see when they begin their assessment. Some of the features displayed here are optional and are configured in the Assessment Editor. To learn more about configuration, please refer to our help guide on
Online Assessment Settings.
- If the assessment has a time limit, it will display here.
- Students should click Submit when they have completed the assessment. If selected, the student will not be able to re-open the assessment unless it it is reassigned.
- If the option to "Allow Re-Open" is selected in the online assessment settings, this button will appear allowing the students to close the assessment and complete their responses at a later time (if that time is within the available test window).
- By default, students will be able to toggle between questions using the navigation arrows along the right and left sides of each question.
- The "next unanswered question" button assists students in navigating through the online assessment. If clicked, eDoctrina will navigate the student to the next question in line that does not have an answer recorded. This invaluable button will change to blue once all questions have been answered.
- It is possible to navigate directly to a specific question by selecting the the corresponding box in this section. These buttons are also be color coded to provide the student a better test taking experience.
- The Reading ruler, Magnifier and Highlight mode are tools that are available by default.
- The ability to Zoom In/ Zoom Out is available in case it is needed.
- This area is where the assessment will appear. There are a few variations on how assessments are displayed. Displayed above is the page view when there is not a PDF uploaded and the questions have been individually entered.
When answering a multiple choice question, all the student needs to do is click the desired response and a checkmark with appear indicating the answer has been selected.
If the online assessment setting has been selected to allow the students to eliminate answer choices, the student will see an "X" next to each choice. They can simply click it to eliminate that answer choice.
To ensure that students are aware that they have some unanswered questions on their assessment, they will receive this message when they click on "Submit" test if there are any questions without a response.
Additionally, if a student's internet connection becomes interrupted a banner message will display at the top of their screen to notify them of the event:
For more information on setting up specific Online Assessment features, Click Here.