Revision snapshot is a great feature that allows multiple drafts of a student response to be stored, commented on by teachers, and pulled into a report for students. This option must be turned on in your district's database settings. If this feature is not available for your district, please have an administrator contact us to enable it.
The first step in using this feature is to set up an assessment with a Teacher Scored question that will be used to capture students' writing online. Then make sure the following setting is selected in the Additional Settings section of the Assessment Editor:
From there, a user must assign that assessment to students from the Teacher Dashboard. A student will login and take the assessment as they normally would, and select Submit when they are done with that version of the draft. Now, a teacher can grade the student work and leave comments on the Teacher completed test(s) screen.
In order to add a teacher comment, highlight the text within the student work, then click the Comment bubble to add the teacher feedback.
Once grading and/or comments have been entered, a user must ASSIGN the assessment to students again in order for them to work on the next revision. When a student logs in to their PROGReSS account and begins the new draft they will hoveror click on the teacher comment icon as shown below:
When all revisions are complete the user can run the Individual Student Report with the "Show Revision Snapshot" option like so:
The report will show the following: