03.B.2.Question Bank

Using questions that are already created can save a significant amount of time when creating assessments. eDoctrina offers multiple question banks to alleviate the task of creating an entire assessment from scratch. Each district will have a district-specific question bank that contains all visible questions created within the district as well as the "eDoctrina Item Bank" question bank that contains thousands of pre-loaded questions based of the NYS Regents assessments, grades 3-8 NYS Math and ELA assessments and more. There is also the opportunity to make other question banks available as an add-on module that can be purchased, but this varies by district.

The Question Bank can be accessed directly from the pop-up when creating an assessment:

Question Bank

or from within the Assessment Editor for a specific assessment:

Question Bank

As a result, a question bank “Setup” screen will open in a new tab. Here you will be able to access the Question Bank of your choice to continue building your assessment.

Question Bank

Use the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner to choose the Question Bank you wish to search. Use the Search Bar for a simple way to find questions. The results will automatically adjust to meet the criteria of your search. To add a question to your assessment simply click on the green +(plus) button on the question tile.

To take a closer look at a question, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner of the question you want to see. A box will open showing the entire question, including tabs to click to see details like standards linked to the question, and where the question has been used on other assessments.

If you select an item that is tied to a passage, you will automatically get a pop up asking if you would like to easily add additional questions to your assessment that are linked to the same passage.

To complete a more advanced search, use the “More filters” button.

This button opens a window with a variety of additional filters and criteria to use to search to find the kinds of questions you are looking for. To learn more about specific filtering options shown on the screen below, click here.

In the upper right-hand corner of each question box you will see a green (+) plus sign, or a red trash can. The red trash can indicates the question has been added to the assessment. To remove that question, you can simply click the red trash can. To preview all questions that have been added to the assessment in one place, click on the “View Questions” button in the upper right-hand corner of the “Setup” screen.

A new box will open displaying all questions selected and linked from the Question Bank to the assessment. You can use the red trash can to remove any questions you may no longer wish to use or that have been added in error. When you are finished viewing the questions, simply click “Dismiss” and you will be returned to the “Setup” screen.

The questions added to your assessment are able to be used for online testing. To preview what these questions would look like when given online, click the “Preview Online” button.

A new tab will open to show the “Online test preview.” Here you will see exactly what students would see if they were taking the assessment. The number of questions are listed on the left. Each numbered box links directly to its corresponding question. You are also able to toggle between questions using the arrows on either side of the question displayed on the screen. When you are finished previewing the assessment online, simply close the tab.

Once you have navigated back to the main question bank page and have completed adding all of your selected items to your assessment, click the “Back to test” button.

You will be instantly redirected to the assessment editor where you can layer on student response tools, modify assessment items, reorder questions, link learning standards and more! For more details about our robust assessment editor features, click here.