TE Data ==> Models

The TE Model can be best described as the report that a staff member will receive at the end of the year. Each model is configured to align with district requirements, so it is important to assign the correct model to each staff member on the user accounts screen before reports are sent out or made available. The model is where all of the TE categories and data sources come together to make a nice formatted report that can be printed or signed electronically. There are many rules and configuration options available for each TE Model that can be defined in the other TE configuration modules, such as Category Scores to Effectiveness, where cut scores can be defined for each data sources.

Clicking the edit pencil button will result in a pop-up where all of the details of the TE Model can be viewed or updated.

  • Image: The image option allows for a single image to be uploaded to be included in the report when applicable.
  • District: The district pull-down is available in the case where some District Admin or Support user is linked to more than one district. By default, the only district listed here should be the one that the logged-in user is linked to.
  • Name: The name is how the Model will display throughout the eDoctrina application.
  • TE Report Type: The Report type is where the customization of reports takes place. Most of the available report types are ones that are standard within the state, such as the NY Teacher Effectiveness Report. If there is a need for a different report type, please contact the eDoctrina team for a consultation.
  • Target User Type: There are some attributes on reports that refer to a specific user type.
  • Active/Inactive: The active/inactive toggle allows for a model or report to be Active and ready to use or inactive and unavailable throughout the system. Making a model inactive will make the model unavailable to be assigned to staff members, but it will not remove any existing model assignments. Inactive reports will also not be able to be printed in the case where a model is already assigned and it has since become inactive. This is a great way to lock a report until it is ready to be published.
  • Allow missing data: This control will prevent a TE model report from being printed for a specified user is there is some missing data in one or many of the required categories. This is a great option to enable if reports should not be printed unless all of the required data to achieve a completed report has been added to the related data sources.
  • Hide Signature Lines: If electronic signatures are enabled, signature lines will not be included on the printed TE Model report. But there are some TE Models that do not have electronic signatures and will not require a signature at all. Enabled this feature will ensrue that the TE Model report does not include signature lines in any case.
  • Display Model Name in Report: The model name will display on the printed TE Model report if this setting is enabled, Otherwise, the name will only be for the user interface and will not be included on the printed report.
  • Notifications on: Email notifications can be sent to the involved individuals when a TE Model report has been signed or returned upon electronic signature. Enabling notifications is a great way to keep users informed about any changes in a report.
  • Description: The description field exists for basic explanation and can be included on a TE Model report (if designed as such). There is the option to include any data source that has been configured to pull in the values that exist for the target year by clicking the option. When selected, a placeholder will be added to the current location of the cursor in the description field. This is a great way to pull in data from data sources to include in a printed report.

Clicking the copy button will create an exact copy of all the details included in the source model, which includes copying the TE Category, TE Category Score to Effective, and Effectiveness Index. When this button is clicked you will be provided the opportunity to name the new model and update the data sources that are linked to the configured categories.

The print buttons for both the Effectiveness Index (EI) and Teacher Effectiveness (TE) Reports will do the best it can to show how the configured report will display to the user. Some reports will show will the format exactly, while others may not be able to as they are based on actual data. In short, these buttons serve as a print preview of the configured report without any actual data.


The name of the model is how it will display throughout the application and on any printed reports.

Electronic Signatures

This checkbox is where electronic signatures for TE model report can be enabled or disabled.

TE/EI Report Activated

This checkbox determines which type of report will be activated as the EI report and TE report have minor differences depending on the model.