SLO Summary & Sign off Sheet

The SLO Summary Sheet is where all of the staff member SLO scores come together to arrive at a total score for each of the applicable data sources. This is a great screen to visit to monitor the progress of any SLOs that will be contributing to an overall student performance rating for each year. If electronic signatures are enabled for student learning objectives, this will also be to location where staff and administrators sign off on their SLOs. Although many districts bypass the SLO signatures as it is also possible to electronically sign the Teacher Effectiveness Reports, some districts will choose to utilize SLO signatures if they are only using eDoctrina to manage their student learning objectives across the district.


The print button allows the user to print one or many SLO Summary Sheets for the selected users. Each staff member's SLO summary sheet can be printed individually by clicking the button. A typical summary sheet will outline all of the SLOs that are contributing to the displayed scores. Printing these individually enables the end-user to see which SLOs are causing any calculation errors.

The Final SLO Score Summary and Sign Off is a Microsoft Excel export that will include any of the selected staff members or the filtered selections (when no staff is selected). Some of the data included in this spreadsheet will be the school name, school code, last & first name, state ID#, username, user type, SLO status, and the related scores.

The Import Scores to TE button will be available if and only if SLO scores are not being automatically sent to the teacher effectiveness system. It is generally a good idea to review scores before sending them, but larger districts prefer to reduce the amount of maintenance required to get scores on the final reports and will rely on other admins to ensure that scores are correct. Either way, this button is available to transfer the SLO scores from the SLO module to the appropriate data sources within the Teacher Effectiveness System


  • Search: It is possible to search for one or many users using the user's ID#, UID, SSIN, or Name. If a user does not show up when searching, try resetting filters and only using the search.
  • District: The district filter will only be available for users that have access to more than one district so they can toggle between them.
  • School: The school filter will only be available for users that have access to more than one school so they can toggle between them to see only users in the selected school.
  • User Type: The user type filter allows for filtering by user type so it is possible to only include "Teachers" in the list.
  • Year: Scores for student learning objectives are different from year to year, so this year filter allows for looking back or forward to other years to view the respective scores.
  • User Status: The user status is an important filter as there may be some user that has left the district and has become inactive. The default selection here is "Active Only", but there are some times when viewing inactive users is necessary.
  • Scope:
      If NOT using electronic signatures
    1. -ALL- :All users in the district will be listed on this page even if they do not have an active SLO in the selected year.
    2. Awaiting Approval: This filter is a great tool to filter for all staff members that have SLOs that have yet to make it to a Final Approved status. Use this filter to work through all of these SLOs with the goal to get each staff member to the Approved status.
    3. Approved: Use this filter to view all users that have SLOs and ALL of them are in a status that is final.
    4. Teachers with one or many inactive SLOs: If a staff member is linked to an SLO and it is currently inactive, selecting this filter will show these staff members.
    5. Teachers with SLO Only: The is a great filter to reduce the displayed list to include only staff members that have an SLO in the selected year.
    6. Teachers with no SLOs: This filter can be used to view a list of staff members that do not have an SLO created for them to help identify which users need to create one.
      If using electronic signatures
    1. Not ready for teacher signature : This filter is the same as Awaiting approval as all staff members with active SLOs in the selected year will show as this status until each of their SLOs has arrived in a final workflow state
    2. Ready for Teacher Signature: If all of a staff members SLOs are in a Final workflow state (and there is no minimum/maximum viloation)then the status will update to this status. A staff member will not be able to sign their SLO summary sheet until this status is reached.
    3. Ready for Admin Signature: Each summary sheet is to be signed by the teacher first. After they have provided their signature, then the status will update to one where the administrator will need to sign. Use this filter to find all staff members that require an administrator signature.
    4. Returned to Teacher: If an administrator finds that there is some reason that one or many SLOs are incorrect, then they will have the option to return the SLO to the teacher and specify which workflow state to return one or many of their SLOs to so corrections can be made. Use this filter to find such staff members who need further attention to SLOs.
    5. Signed by Administrator: This status is comparable to the Complete status if not using electronic signatures. Once the teacher and admin both sign off on the SLO Summary Sheet, then the status will be updated to this one.
  • Department Code: The department code filter can be used if and only if users have a department code entered for them, which is usually something that is managed through imported data.

Electronically Signing an SLO Summary Sheet

If electronic signatures are enabled in the district SLO settings, then electronic signatures will be required when all active SLOs in the selected year have been updated to a "final" status. When enabled, the teacher will need to sign off of their SLOs before the administrator.

For a teacher to sign their SLO Summary Sheet, they should login to eDoctrina and navigate to the SLO Summary Sheet option located in the Staff Evaluation Reports options in the Reports menu.

On the SLO Summary Sheet page, the teacher should be able to find their information and will have the option to sign if their SLOs are ready to be electronically signed.

Once the signature button is selected, the following pop-up will appear where the teacher should enter their name as they would like to sign with and their eDoctrina password.

A successful electronic signature will always be able to be viewed when printing the signed report and will be located at the bottom of the report.

After the teacher has signed their SLO Summary Sheet, it will be up to the administrator to sign in and apply their electronic signature to approve the SLO. If there are any errors or data inaccuracies within the SLOs, there will be the opportunity to the SLO summary sheet. If returning, the administrator must leave a comment and select the "Check to Unlock" checkbox to indicate which SLO(s) should be sent back and to which SLO workflow state to send them back to. Otherwise, the administrator should enter their name and their eDoctrina password and select the button to move the SLO Summary sheet to the status of "Signed by Administrator" to complete the signature process.