Using Electronic Signatures in OBSeRVe

To include electronic signatures in your observation reports, go to Settings>Staff Expectations and select the rubric you want to modify. You will be able to check a box under "Electronic Signatures Report" next to each stage or component of the observation for which you choose to add this feature. Typically an eDoctrina representative will select this option for you.

After an observation has been completed and saved, a "Sign" button will appear for the administrator on the Observe Dashboard under the Assignments tab for Observations that have been assigned:

If Observations have not been assigned you can also access this button on the "Observations" tab:

When this button is clicked, a pop-up will appear for the administrator to electronically sign. It requires the administrator to fill in his/her eDoctrina User ID and password, then click "Approve":

The same option will be visible when a teacher views his or her observation:

The administator must sign first in order for the teacher to be able to enter his or her signature. A teacher then has the choice to comment, return, and/or sign and approve:

The observation report will include both electronic signatures: