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Assessment Visibility, Workflow & Teacher Verification Settings

Helpful Hints:

  • A visible assessment can be accessed by any user on the Assessments Homepage and the Teacher Dashboard for printing answer sheets, assigning online, and grading.
  • An Invisible assessment will only be availble to admin accounts. Teachers will not be able to view an invisible assessment on the Assessments homepage or the Teacher Dashboard.
  • Secure assessments will be available for teachers to print answer sheets, assign online, or pull data reports. The secure setting protects that assessment from be printed and shared by teacher users.
  • The Teacher Verification setting only applies to Secure assessments providing flexibility to allow teachers to grade specifc types of questions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why am I not able to access the Answer Entry screen or Teacher Completed screen to enter my student responses?
A: It is likely that this is a Secure assessment. Please reach out to the creator of the assessment if this setting needs to be changed.
Q: Can teachers print answer sheets for or assign online a Secure assessment?
A: Yes, the design of Secure assessments is to prevent teachers from accessing the content within the assessment. Secure assessments allow teachers to gather assessment data, but they prevent them from distributing the content within the assessment itself.
Q: What is the difference between a Visibility State and a Workflow State?
A: Visibility states are hard-coded to behave a specific way to control viewing rights of a specific assessment. Workflow states a customizable according to district processes and can control a multitude of access rights. Ultimately, the main purpose of workflow states is to update the visibility status of the assessment in accordance with district processes, but there are some other access rights that are also linked to the selected workflow state.