05.C. Teacher Completed Screen
The Teacher Completed tool is designed to be used for electronic grading, as well as performance based assessments, screening, conferencing, or observing students. It is easy to access on both a computer or a tablet.
To learn more about using our Teacher Completed tool, please Click Here to see our help video.
To enter data using the Teacher Completed tool, users should first navigate to the Teacher Dashboard (Quick Links ---> Teacher Dashboard)
- On the Teacher Dashboard, the first step is to manipulate the filters to find the students and assessment the user would like to enter data for.
- Once the filters have been selected, the GRADE icon should be selected to open the Teacher Completed Screen.
Understanding Each Teacher Completed Screen Component
Upon first glance, the Teacher Completed Screen can seem a bit overwhelming. It only takes understanding a few steps to become an expert at the layout of the page!
- On the left side of the page, users will see the students that were previously selected on the Teacher Dashboard, listed alphabetically. There are two check boxes under each student name. The (Com) box will automatically have a check mark if the student completed the assessment. The (Ver) check box will need to be checked by the teacher after the student's data has been verified.
Additionally, next to each student's name is a number in a colored circle. The number indicates how many responses have been recorded for this student. (Please note that this number is not referencing how many questions the student answered correctly, only how many questions they have completed). A green circle represents a completed and verified assessment. An orange circle represents a completed assessment that is unverified. A blue circle represents an assessment that is not complete.
Selecting the "Min" or "Max" icons will automatically set that student's score to the maximum or minimum score.
NOTE: The min/max icons also exist for the entire class so that all students on the page can have their scores set to the min/max score.
- The Teacher Completed Screen has multiple different layouts. Each layout can be very useful, depending on what type of assessment is being graded.
- Users have the ability to change the font family and/or font size of the questions/answer appearing on the page. This can come in handy if a student is sitting next to the user for conferencing and is used to seeing a specific font or having the text appear larger than the standard 12 pt.
- The questions (and student answers if data has been entered) will appear based on the selected layout format.
IMPORTANT: Please note that there is no SAVE or SAVE AND CLOSE option anywhere on this screen. This page is DYNAMIC and auto-saves! Once teachers have finished grading, they can simply close the tab or select the "Close" icon in the top right-hand corner to close the page. It's that simple!
Selecting the correct layout is going to be dependent on what kind of assessment users are grading. The five possible layouts are:
1. List
2. Grid
3. Page
4. Rubric
5. TCs
Within each view, it is important to note a couple of important icons that users have access to.
: This icon represents teacher comments. When selected, users will have a pop-up where comments can be typed, or entered from a pre-set list (see below)
: This icon stands for "Excluded". In the case that a question needs to be excluded for a student for any reason, clicking this button will exclude the question for that student alone and the data will not be counted toward their final score.
: In the event that a question has a linked scoring guide or rubric, clicking this icon will allow users to see it.
: These icons can be used to set a student's answers to all incorrect (min) or all correct (max).
List and Grid View
These two options are best when grading or viewing data for multiple choice assessments. The list view will list each question out one after another and allow users to see the selected answers for each question in the drop-down menu. These options can be updated by users by clicking the down arrow and updating the answer choice.
The grid view works in a very similar way with the main difference being each question is contained in a small box, appearing like a grid.
Page View
The page view allows users to see the following components of a question all on one screen:
The question text/passage
The student's written response (if one exists)
A field to type in any comments or feedback
A field where they can add the student's point value for the question (if the question was MC, they will see the answer choice that the student selected as well).
Questions will appear on the screen one at a time and users can use the arrows on either side of the screen to toggle to the next/previous question. A question menu is also available so users can jump around the different questions if they so choose.
Rubric View
Rubric view is a fantastic way for teachers to grade writing pieces, performance-based tests, projects, etc. When a rubric is created in eDoctrina, these screen can be used by teachers to grade student work based on the rubric criteria with ease. Clicking a box (or touching, if the device has a touch-screen) will select that rubric level for the student. If the rubric was color coded, the background will fill with the color set up upon creation (as shown below).
TCs View
The TCs View (which stands for Teacher Comments) is very similar to the Page View. Users are able to see the questions and student responses listed, as well as add comments and scores with ease.
NOTE: In this view there are a few differences from the Page View:
Linked passages do not appear on this layout
Questions are all available on one screen. Users can scroll down to see each question/student response for scoring.
Teachers can leave written and audio feedback. Students are able to view or play this feedback when reviewing their data reports. This feedback can be viewed or played
Scoring Multiple Assessments
It is possible to utilize the Teacher Completed screen to score multiple assessments at once. The process detailed above remains the same, except the user must select more than one assessment from the "Assessment" dropdown menu:
Scoring multiple assessments at once will result in a column being present for each assessment. The "Highlighted" column is the assessment that is currently active and clicking on the "Grayed out" area will shift the active assessment to the assessment listed in that specific column:
Grading the active assessment remains the same as the process described above.
If you have any questions after reviewing this guide please feel free to email the Help Desk at [email protected].