eDoctrina offers the flexibility for districts to create levels to be assigned to students. Many schools will not use the traditional A through F or 01 through 04 scales that have been historically popular. In cases where unique levels need to be assigned to students, the level must be created first before it can be assigned on a specific proficiency table. This task can only be done by district admin profile types.
To create custom result levels, a district admin will need to navigate to the Proficiency Levels page located in SETTINGS==>DATABASE SETUP==>ASSESSMENTS==>PROFICIENCY LEVELS
This will navigate to the Proficiency Levels homepage where all of the existing level selections will be listed for the selected district.
To create a new Proficiency level, click the +Create button. A pop-up window will be generated prompting to enter some basic information. It is required to select the District and define the name of the level. NOTE: There are no character limitations on the Name field.. Although it is optional, selecting the Deafult Color and Default Font will enhance the available data reports.