eDoctrina offers an extensive library of help guides that are available to our end users to help them navigate through our software and better understand the features that are available to them to help their students succeed.
These guides are designed to cater to the needs of all the school districts that we serve. eDoctrina knows that each one of our partners are unique and the help guides that are available do not cover all of the district-specific attributes that may exist. To accommodate for this, eDoctrina provides the opportunity for districts to include their own help guides within our help guide menu.
The Help menu is available in the navigation menu. Anything that has been added as a district-specific document will be located within the "00. District Specific" selection right on the top of where all help guides are listed.
To add a help guide, navigate to Settings => User quides & help topics => Help Topic.
This will navigate to the "Help menu items" homepage. This is where all help menu items will be managed. The first time any user visits this homepage, they should see the Video and Help options, which are the main categories that are seen on the navigation menu.
The default layout view should be the Tree, which will show the list of help guides in regards to a Parent-Child relationship, which defines how the items will display in the final list. Click on the Expand icon to expand the list to view the children of the indicated parent. Click the icon to collapse the parent and hide the children underneath the indicated parent.
For example, if a "Parent" is created under the Help category, then two "children" are added under that parent, then two "grandchildren" are added under the first "parent" it would look similar to the image on the left and will present itself similar to the image on the right.
Click the button to add a new item. A pop-up will appear prompting to enter/select the details of the item that is being added. If no Parent-Child relationship is to be used, select "--none--" as the Parent Item to simply list the item in the help menu. If a Parent-Child relationship has been developed, please organize your help guides accordingly.
Choosing the appropriate parent is essential for keeping all items organized in a manner that is easy to understand for all users. It is highly recommended to keep all first level district-specific items under the "00. District Specific" parent that has already been created. It is up to the district how to organize their material, but it is recommended that only two levels are used to keep all items in the viewable area.
The Name field should be populated with the title of the help guide or video. This will be the Name that is displayed in the menu.
The URL is the web address that users will be directed to upon selecting the item.
It is possible to upload a file and designate it as the destination as well. If the "Upload File" option is used, eDoctrina will create a unique URL for the uploaded file so it will always be accessible. The URL wll look very similar to "https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.edoctrina.org/uploads/helpitems" as eDoctrina utilizes Amazon Web Services to store uploaded files.
It is important to note that an uploaded file cannot be modified, the district admin will have to upload the file again to reflect any changes made.
If the URL is left blank, eDoctrina will create an internal link that serves as a pathway to a page that lists all of the children so they can be accessed from there. In the example below, the "Curriculum & Standards" item was selected.
If the user selects the button, they will be navigated directly to the URL that has been entered for the selected item.
If the user selects the button, eDoctrina will copy the URL to the users clipboard so they can paste the URL wherever they please.