Although all observations that are entered into eDoctrina can be accessed electronically, there are many occassions where the observation form will need to be printed to distribute to the staff member or for general filing purposes. There are many different formats for printing an observation. Each district will have unique default print settings as some will allow the print options to be selected by the end-user while others will set some rigid settings so all observations are printed consistently. Print options can be vary for each rubric assignment and can also be different for each school within the district.
Observations in eDoctrina can be printed in three different formats: webpage document(.html), Microsoft Excel (.xls document), and portable document format (.pdf). If there is a need to print any single observation, eDoctrina offers many locations where this can be done.
The Assignments and Observations layout views of the OBSeRVE Dashboard offer tools that can help to print individual staff observations.
On the Assignments layout view, individual observation reports can be generated if and only if there is a rubric assignment that has been made and the observation is in Complete status.
On the Observations layout view, all observations that are accessible for the logged in user will be listed and the ability to print is available.
Each staff member in eDoctrina has their own screen where all of their observations will be listed in either a list format or in a side-by-side column format.
There are two ways to access the staff members folder: from the OBSeRVE Dashboard or from the User Accounts screen.
On both the Assignments layout view and the Final Ratings layout view, each staff member will display their name as a hyperlink. Clicking this link will redirect to the staff members view for observations.
If the logged in user has access to view the teacher and has the permission set to observe them, they will find a button next to their name on the User Accounts screen. Selecting this button will navigate to the Staff Members view for their available observations.
When looking at the Staff Members view, take note that there are two different modes: Scripting and Traditional.
The scripting mode is where all observations will be listed and the ability to print will be exactly the same as when printing from the Observations layout view of the OBSeRVE Dashboard.
The traditional mode is where all observations will be displayed in a side-by-side manner so more than one observation can be looked at in a single view. Each observation shown on this screen can be printed individually.
Within each observation form there exists a print button in the top right corner for easy printing as long as the observation form is accessible by the logged in user.
There are some instances where more than one observation will be printed in one action. THis could be many observations for a single staff member or observations that exist for multiple staff members. Although the Staff Member view does offer the ability to print multiple observations in one action, of course this is limited to only printing observations for a single staff member. With this said, it is usually a good practice to head over to the OBSeRVE Dashboard to print more than one observation at a time.
On the Assignments layout view, the option to print all observations for a single staff member exists by clicking the button to the left of the staff members name.
On the Assignments layout view, the option to print all observations for a multiple staff members exists by selecting the checkbox to the left for all desired staff members and then using the Individual Teacher Report button.
NOTE: If the report is generated without selecting any checkboxes, the system will generate the report for all staff members that are displayed in the filtered list.
Both options will require that a single rubric is selected so the appropriate default print settings can be applied. You will be provided a prompt if no rubrics are selected or if more than one rubric is selected. This provides a slight limitation that mass printing from the Assignments layout view can only be done for observations that are conducted within the same rubric.
On the Observations layout view, the option to multiple observations for a exists by selecting the checkbox for the desired observations and then using the Individual Teacher Report button. This option provides a little more flexibility as it is possible to only select specific observations for one or many staff members (instead of the entire set of observations for each selected user. Again, the only limitation is that only one rubric can be selected for mass printing.
NOTE: If the report is generated without selecting any checkboxes, the system will generate the report for all observations that are displayed in the filtered list.
Using the same techniques as described above about printing multiple observations, the same can be done from the Staff Members view. Of course, the only limitation here is that you can only print multiple observations for a single staff member.
This can be done from the Scripting view where all observations for the staff member will be listed.
NOTE: If the report is generated without selecting any checkboxes, the system will generate the report for all observations that are displayed in the filtered list.
And can also be done from the Traditional View where all observations are shown in a side-by-side column format. On this view there are no checkboxes for selection, therefor only single observations can be printed or the entire filtered set by clicking the button on the top of the screen.