TE Data ==> Category Score to Effectiveness

The Category Score to Effectiveness page is where specific cut scores are set for specific categories. The tools on this page allow for ranges to be set for each TE Category and define what rating score and/or name should be provided when a staff member achieves a specific value within each respective Category. This screen is also the location where state reporting codes for a specific level can be added if the district is utilizing eDoctrina to generate any data reports to be submitted to the state or somewhere else.

For a typical End-of-Tear report, the Category Score to Effectiveness usually determines which earned score in a category should be mapped to a Ineffective, Developing, Effective, or Highly Effective rating.

Here is an example report for NY as it shows a Category Score of 17 for the 'Student Growth' category, which is mapped to a Category Score to Effectiveness of 'Effective' (which would typically have an index score of 3).

Other states or report can be configured in a number of different ways. Another example can look something like the following.


  • Model: Each line on this page must be linked to a Model as these parameters are set to be specific to a single model/report.
  • Category: Each line on this page must be linked to a Ctegory that is configured within the selected model as each category should have cut scores defined (if applicable) to ensure that the proper Effectiveness Rating is applied for the scores that each respective staff member has earned.
  • Performance min/max: The minimum and maximum values should be set to define the ranges of which Category Scores should be mapped to which Rating. There should not be any gaps or overlaps to configure this properly. Each consecutive Effectiveness Rating should start with a performance min that is equal to the performance max of the prior Effectiveness Rating. In example, if Ineffective has a minimum 0 and a maximum 1.5, the Developing rating should have a minimum of 1.5 (in this case an earned category score of 1.5 will be mapped to the higher rating).
  • Rating Name: The rating name determines how the earned Category Score will be displayed in reports throughout the application.
  • State Reporting Code: A state reporting code should be entered in the case that the district will be using eDoctrina for state reporting purposes. If a state reporting code is entered, then this code will be linked to the earned category score throughout the system. It is not a required field and if left empty, then any earned score that falls at this level will be left off of any generated state reports.
  • Index Score: The index score is used if an only if the earned category score to effectiveness will be combined with another category score to effectiveness to generate a combined rating that considers at least two ratings that have been earned. For NY, the Observation Score and the Student Growth Scores are combined to generate an overall teacher effectiveness rating.
  • Do not export Index Score: If this checkbox is checked, then an earned score that falls within this level will not be included in the state reporting files that are exprted from eDoctrina.