03.C.3. Copying An Assessment

Copying assessments within eDoctrina is a very simple process. Users can copy assessments from previous years and copy pre-made assessments from FREE test banks including eDoctrina FREE Items and many other test banks.

In order to copy an assessment, start at the eDoctrina home page and click on the "Assessments" button.

Assessments from Homepage.png

On the Assessments page, you can search for a specific assessment by the assessment name or ID #. The other filters can be used to refine your search results.

Search Filters on Assessment Homepage.png

When looking for assessments you will see a few different icons: The "Edit" pencil will only be available for assessments that you created. The "Copy" button should be selected when copying an assessment.

Edit Pencil Copy Button.png

You can not edit an assessment created by another user, but copying it will provide access to the content contained in the assessment and the ability to edit accordingly. This action will not change the original.

To copy an assessment, just click on the "Copy" icon. A pop up box will appear like the one below. This box will review the information contained in the assessment. If you want to copy it, click on the "Copy" button at the bottom of the window.

Please note, if the "Copy Assessment" box does not automatically open, it is likely being blocked by a pop up blocker. Make sure to check the URL bar on the top of the page to “Allow pop-ups” or check your browser preferences.

Copy Assessment Pop-up.png

When copying an assessment from a different Test Bank, you may notice this message: "Please select 1 subject(s) to link from your district" in the "Copy Assessment" box. You will get this message if the subject of the original assessment or question doesn't exist in your district. In this case, you can simply select an appropriate subject that exists in your district from the dropdown "Map To".
Coying Assessment with Different Subject.png

Upon clicking the "Copy" button, the Edit Assessment screen will appear. This screen allows the user to edit the assessment as they choose. After customizations have been completed, simply save and close the assessment editor.

assessment editor.png

After copying the assessment, both the original and the copy of the assessment can be viewed. The copy now has been assigned a new unique ID number. The copied assessment will ALWAYS have the higher ID number. (Remember: newest item = highest ID number.)

Original & Copy of assessment.png

Please note that the copied assessment can be deleted, however the original cannot since it was created by a different user.

Users also have the option of copying multiple assessments en masse.

  1. Select the assessments you want to copy by checking the box to the left of the assessment.
  2. Click the 'Copy' button at the top of the page.

After clicking the "Copy" button, the following popup will appear: Copying multi assessment pop up.png

After selecting a School Year and a Date, click on the "Copy" button to complete the process. After the process has completed, a popup similar to the one below will appear indicating the Assessment ID numbers of the newly created copies: