The features outlined in this help guide are available to District Admin profile types ONLY.
To add more selections to the Status pull-down within the Student Goal Module, navigate to the Student Goal Status by choosing SETTINGS==>DATABASE SETUP==>GENERAL==>STUDENT GOAL STATUS.
A list of the existing options in the Type pull-down will be displayed on the Student goal types screen. To modify existing options, select the button next to the listed item. The displayed name in this list is exactly how the item will appear in the pull-down menu for service providers to select when they are creating and monitoring student goals.
To add a new option to the Type pull-down, click the button. A pop-up window will appear where the name of the new option will be defined.
Enter the name as it should be displayed and click the button to add this option to the existing list.
It is possible to remove an option from the listing by selecting the button next to the item that needs to be deleted, but eDoctrina will not allow an option to be removed if there is an existing student goal that is utilizing this option.
To add more selections to the Type pull-down within the Student Goal Module, navigate to the Student Goal Types by choosing SETTINGS==>DATABASE SETUP==>GENERAL==>STUDENT GOAL TYPES.
A list of the existing options in the Status pull-down will be displayed on the Student goal status screen. To modify existing options, select the button next to the listed item. The displayed name in this list is exactly how the item will appear in the pull-down menu for service providers to select when they are creating and monitoring student goals.
To add a new option to the Status pull-down, click the button. A pop-up window will appear where the name of the new option will be defined, as well as some other components.
There can only be one Default option assigned to each district as this option will be what is automatically selected for every goal that is created.
It is also possible to assign a Color to each status as each student goal with the assigned a specific status will display in the Student Goal listing with their respective color. The default color is white.
Enter the the information as it should be displayed and click the button to add this option to the existing list.
It is also possible to modify the order of how these options are displayed by selecting the arrows. It is a good practice to move the most frequently used options to the top of the list to encourage consistent selection by service providers.
It is possible to remove an option from the listing by selecting the button next to the item that needs to be deleted, but eDoctrina will not allow an option to be removed if there is an existing student goal that is utilizing this option.
Each district may use eDoctrina's student goal module in many different ways. With this in mind, we have added the ability to customize four fields within the student goal editor. The system default calls these fields Goal, Target Description, Measurement Methods, and Measurement Frequency. Each of these fields is set up, by default, to be an open text field allowing teachers to type whatever they need to. These text fields can be changed to pull-down menus with custom selections to encourage consistent data entry.
The title of these fields can also be modified according to district preferences, but this excludes the field titled as Goal as this field will be displayed in the listing on the Student Goals Homepage.
To modify the titles of the latter three fields, navigate to Districts, which can be found in SETTINGS==>STUDENT INFORMATION DATA==>DISTRICTS.
Find the district name in this list and select the button to navigate to the District Editor.
Within the District Editor, scroll down to find the Student Goals section of this page.
The will be three fields titled Custom field #1 label, Custom field #2 label, and Custom field #3 label. These fields determine the title of the fields in the Student Goal Editor next to the "Goals" field in order from left to right. Enter in the name that is desired for the Student Goals module at the district.
To change the open text field for each of these to a pull-down menu, select the button.
A pop-up window will appear prompting to select the field that should become a pull-down. The options will be Goal, Custom Field #1, Custom Field #2, and Custom Field #3; which correspond to the available fields in the Student Goal Editor. There is also the option to modify the Intervention Description to become a pull-down menu instead of a text field as well.
In the example below, the pull-down option of "Twice per day" will be added to the Custom field #3 pull-down.
There is no limitation to the amount of options that can be added to each pull-down menu, but it is a good practice to limit these choices to ensure consistency. As shown in the photo, there are 4 options to select from for the "Frequency" field.
A discussion board can also be enabled for the Student Goal Module. Select the checkbox to Enable Student Goal Discussion to turn the discussion board on. Select the checkbox for Student Goal Comment Draft Option Enabled to allow users to enter draft comments that are designed to be private to the user that adds the comment.