It is possible to scan Web Answer Sheets using the eDoctrina Answers Scanner app. All that needs to be done is to download the free eDoctrina Answers Scanner app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
After the app has completed downloading you may tap the eDoctrina Answers Scanner icon and log in using your regular eDoctrina login credentials:
If your district uses a Single Sign On solution such as ADFS then you will need to log in to eDoctrina from your mobile device. Once logged in you will see a button on the Home Page titled "Launch Mobile Scanning App". Tap on this button to open the eDoctrina Scanning App and be automatically logged in:
After logging in you're ready to scan your web answer sheets. Use the red guide marks to help you align your camera to the answer sheet:
You'll hear a "beeping" sound to indicate that you have scanned the answer sheet successfully:
Once you have finished scanning your answer sheets you may log out by touching the menu button and then selecting "Log out":