eDoctrina offers various reports to summarize information that has been entered regarding staff observations. Running OBSeRVE reports is simple and can provide valuable insight on staff expectations and how teachers are being observed.
For any administrative duties regarding staff observations, navigate to the OBSeRVE Dashboard(shown below) by clicking the OBSeRVE Reports under the Reports pull-down in the navigation bar ~or~ find the OBSeRVE Dashboard under Quick Links.
To be able to pull reports, the OBSeRVE Dashboard relies on filter selections for both staff and for observation rubric. This allows the person generating the report to choose which staff members should be included in the resulting report and target a specific rubric, rubric category, and/or observation type. Many reports can be generated from any of the layout views (Assignments, Observations, etc...), but some reports may only exist for one view or another.
Use the Select staff set of filters to identify what staff members are to be included the the generated report.
Use the Select rubric set of filters to select the exact Rubric, Year and Dates to include in the generated report.
The Layout allows the user to change the view between Assignments (Shown), Observations (List of all observations), Calendar (Shows scheduled observations), and Final Rating. Printable reports can be generated from all layout views besides the calendar view.
Once the desired subset of teachers/observees is selected, click the button for the desired report to generate a PDF that can be later saved or printed. If no staff members have been selected with the checkbox, the application will assume that you are generating the report for all lines that are displayed in the list.
"Common Action Buttons" will appear in every layout view besides the calendar view. The options available vary per user, but the option to print, schedule, and add new observation exist for most administrators.
If assignments have been made, the assignments layout view presents the opportunity to see the status of all relevant observations.
The Individual Teacher report is a report that displays all relevant information regarding observations in correlation with how the staff expectations have been set up according to district preferences. Printing options are also determined by district personnel and a default format is often selected. If a default print setting is not selected, the option to choose what will be included in the print out will be available.
Different combinations of these Report Printing Options will generate different report contents and/or formats. Below is a short explanation of each option to help determine what settings are appropriate for use.
The Staff Summary Report is designed to be able to view more information in one place without having to jump from screen to screen. The filters are extremely important when generating this report because it determines what information is included in the report. Basically, this report will have a row for each teacher/observee included in the report and a column for every staff expectation that is included in the selected rubric. Upon clicking the Staff Summary Report button, a pop-up window will appear prompting to select the Report Printing options as shown below.
If Show number of ratings is selected, then eDoctrina will generate a frequency report of how many time a certain staff expectation has been rated. If Show ratings is selected, then eDoctrina will generate a report that contains the actual ratings for each staff expectation. Choosing to Exclude ratings without points will only return staff expectations that have ratings (points) tied to the selection. Show staff UID will simply add the staff UID to the report.
The Score Summary Report is a direct upload to Microsoft Excel that will list all selected (or filtered for) users. The columns in the report will display the user's Last Name, First Name, UID (teachID), the State ID (Staff Statewide Identification Number), the selected year, the selected rubric, the Final Overall Score(if applicable), and information regarding each rubric category (Raw Score, Weight, & Weighted Score)
The Staff Expectations Report provides administrators with an overall view of how staff have performed according the ratings that have been entered. This is an extremely valuable report because it shows a percentage breakdown of how the observed population performed accordingly to the rubric they have been rated on. Below is an example of one element that has been rated 42 times.
This report is very similar to the Staff Expectations report because it provides an overall view of how observers have rated observees. The only difference in this report is that it breaks down the assigned ratings for each staff expectation by the observer. This allows users to see a side-by-side comparison of how each observer is rating each staff expectation in comparison with their colleagues.